123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers
Are you noticing that you are getting into unsafe situations when using a cellphone while you are out running or walking? Are you sometimes left with a feeling that you have been discourteous when you have used your cellphone around other runners or walkers? Are you having trouble making sense of your cellphone’s technological benefits to your running or walking?
If it seems as though how you use your cellphone may be faltering while you are on runs or walks, then perhaps it is time for some tips. Maybe you simply need some friendly reminders and a bit of education.
123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers tells you how to be safer and more courteous with your cellphone while getting the most out of its features.
Take it from Kirk Mahoney, who has several marathons and many shorter races under his hydration belt.
For example, he used to run and walk without carrying a cellphone. Then he joined a marathon training program and learned by example from his coaches to always take a cellphone with him on every run or walk. And he made that one of his most important tips.
What drove Kirk to expand that one tip into 123 tips? The answer may surprise you.
Kirk knew that there had to be a better way for others to avoid making the same safety, courtesy, and technology mistakes that he and fellow runners and walkers were making with cellphones.
So he applied to this book his same passion for research that he applies to the practical research for runners and walkers that he publishes at SpryFeet.com, this time bringing to bear some two decades of Internet and telecommunications experience.
Running or walking with your cellphone in a way that is the safest, most technologically-savvy, and most courteous requires much more than a handful of tips. It requires this book’s 123 tips.
These tips work so well, in fact, that Kirk had to share them with the world.
If you, too, want to be safer, more courteous, and more technologically savvy with your cellphone, this book provides the 123 cellphone tips that you need as a runner or walker.
What Readers Said about the First Edition (© 2010)
Dr. Kirk Mahoney puts much-needed information at our fingertips regarding working out while keeping a cellphone nearby. He shares many little-known facts that could seriously impact our safety and social interactions while putting “feet to pavement.” As a marathon walking coach who advocates carrying a cellphone at all times, I can say that 123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers outlines what’s proper about using a cellphone during a workout. I highly recommend this book.
Elaine O’Gorman
Walking coach for ten years
A little less than 10 years ago when we ran, we just ran. If we wanted to determine the distance of a long run we would hop in our cars and drive the proposed route. With the increasing amount of technology in our lives today, we now have Google Maps, MapQuest, and a variety of other tools at our disposal to use to determine the distance on any particular run. A more common piece of technology used today is our cellphones. Dr. Mahoney’s 123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers is a practical and sensible approach to proper cellphone etiquette. As a long-distance runner and running coach I carry my cellphone on all my long runs. This book provides excellent insight on the do’s and don’t’s of cellphone use that apply to any casual or experienced walker or runner. I had a light chuckle as I read tips 41 and 42. I often use my cellphone as an alarm when participating in out of town races. This brought to mind a comedy series where the elite marathoner missed the start of a race even though several alarm systems were used. A properly charged cellphone may have been the key. 123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers is a great running tool.
Felix G. Lugo
Running coach for fourteen years
Who would have thought this piece of technology could impact our running and walking endeavors in so many ways? This book is a great resource and challenges the way we behave. It causes us to think about bad behavior and to change those habits into good ones. We were particularly impressed with the idea of using our phone camera to photograph hazards and forwarding them onto coaches, event organizers or other relevant parties. This highlights the role we can all play in keeping everyone safe. As new grandparents we also love the idea of using our phone as a compact ‘brag book’ — only showing those interested, of course!
John & Julie Loftus
Walking coaches (HealthfulHabits.com)
Dr. Kirk Mahoney’s 123 Cellphone Tips for Runners and Walkers is a much-needed resource for active people! It’s easy to make silly etiquette mistakes — especially when exercising. Dr. Mahoney gave me permission to take my cellphone on my run — it’s a smart way to stay safe and in-touch, even allowing us to exercise with style! Using his easy-to-remember reminders, we can all work out without fear of offending our work-out buddies. Whether you’re a marathon runner or a couch potato, you should heed his advice! Thanks for the reminder, Dr. Mahoney!
Michelle Cimino
Digital etiquette expert and author of Cell Phone Etiquette: Observations from a Mom (GetManners.com)
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