10 Happiness Hacks for Runners and Walkers

Happiness Can Be Free!
10 Happiness Hacks for Runners and Walkers is a free ebook that will come to you in formats compatible with Kindle, Kobo, and Nook ereaders and applications when you join the SpryFeet.com Readers Club.You cannot buy this book from Amazon. You won’t find it on my author page at Amazon.
You cannot buy this book from Barnes & Noble, Google Play, or Kobo, either!
You must get it here.
Just join the SpryFeet.com Readers Club — FREE! — to get it.
Hacks in the book include:
- Owning your gratitude power
- Taking 10,000 steps a day
- Developing injury-avoidance habits
- Using the run:walk method
- Using a GPS unit, interval timer, and step beeper
- Simplifying your use of the run:walk method
- Fully using the alarms in your cellphone
- Racing with your dog
- Joining a group training program
- Using a sweetened mouth-rinse in a long race
It’s Worth Your Time
I packed this book with valuable information because I don’t want to waste your time. You can read it in under an hour on an ereader or in an ereading app.After you finish reading it, you may want to keep it loaded on your ereader, tablet, computer, or smartphone. Every hack includes a link to more information about the book from which the hack comes. And, some of the hacks include links to other sites.
This ebook is very small, so you’ll want to keep it. If you ever accidentally delete it, you can grab another copy as an ongoing member of the SpryFeet.com Readers Club.
Happy Reading!

Kirk Mahoney
Author, SpryFeet.com